Christ and Creation
By: Craig Sorley, founding Director, Care of Creation, Kenya. The world today needs to completely rethink its relationship to the environment, and nothing less than a complete transformation of perspective and behavior is required.
For those who adhere to the Christian faith, such a transformation must begin at the foot of the cross. In honor to our Lord, we should be leading the world by example in responding appropriately to a creation that groans. Christ and Creation is about the fact that God needs to be central to our perspective as we relate to creation.
As the bible teaches, Christ is both the cornerstone of our faith and the Creator of all things; therefore, He is the most appropriate starting point when we think about creation. Since Christ exhorted us to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbors as ourselves, we have a divine obligation to glorify the Creation in our treatment of creation, and a profound responsibility to consider how such treatment will impact other people, both now and into the future. Caring for creation finds its firm foundation in the person and work of Christ.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Craig Sorley grew up in three different countries of East Africa as the son of medical missionaries where he developed his own calling to foreign missions and his keen interest in creation. Holding a degree in Environmental Science and a Masters in Forestry and Education, Craig is the founding director of Care of Creation, Kenya (CCK), an evangelical mission organization dedicated to awakening the church to glorify God in the area of environmental and agriculture stewardship.